Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Watching Robocop with Kit Power

Welcome to episode 2 of Watching Robocop with Kit Power! This time out, I am overjoyed to welcome Daniel Harper (Of Oi! Spaceman, They Must Be Destroyed On Sight! Podcasts AND Eruditorum Press fame) to the show. Enjoy us riffing on movie cops Vs. real cops, me on the myth of prevention, and Daniel on Black Lives Matters and what Robocop doesn’t have to say about real life police brutality. Oh, and two white male progressives talking about race, which, you know, doesn't get awkward at all. Enjoy!!!


Oi! Spaceman (a Doctor Who love story) podcast is here. They Must Be Destroyed on site movie podcast is here. My guest appearances on both shows can be found here and here.  And Daniel and Shana’s blog work (along with a bunch of other great writing) can be found on the Eruditorum Press website here.


My monthly Ginger Nuts Of Horror blog ‘My Life In Horror’, which kicked off this whole thing, can be found here.


Why Robocop is the greatest movie ever made.


Theme tune provided with the kind permission of The Disciples of Gonzo, from their track Superhero. Listen to more from them here.

If you enjoyed this podcast and would like to contribute financially to the monthly production costs, in exchange for early access to both this show and my written work, please see my Patreon.

My latest podcast release!