Sunday, 13 November 2016

Watching Robocop with Kit Power - Ep. 4

Welcome to the fourth episode of Watching Robocop with Kit Power! This month, I am delighted to be joined by Renee Pickup, a superb author, non-fiction writer, blogger and podcaster with strong opinions and excellent taste in movies. Join us, and discover:


  • Renee's 'not enough violence in movies' theory
  • Kill Bill and why you never dis Con Air
  • An exciting new fan theory about Clarence's nose


And SO much more. Enjoy! And as ever, thank you for your support. :)

For more of Renee's blogging and podcasting, please head on over to her webpage.


My monthly Ginger Nuts Of Horror blog ‘My Life In Horror’, which kicked off this whole thing, can be found here.


Why Robocop is the greatest movie ever made.


Theme tune provided with the kind permission of The Disciples of Gonzo, from their track Superhero. Listen to more from them here.

If you enjoyed this podcast and would like to contribute financially to the monthly production costs, in exchange for early access to both this show and my written work, as well as snazzy exclusives, please see my Patreon.


My latest podcast release!

Monday, 7 November 2016

Watching Terminator 2 with Daniel Harper

Welcome to the first ever bonus episode of the podcast! Thanks to the amazing generosity of my Patreon backers, I am going to be releasing these bonus episodes on a bi-monthly basis, in which returning guests get to pick THEIR favourite movie to talk about.

In our first bonus 'cast, Daniel Harper returns to talk about his childhood love affair and obsession with Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Amongst many revelations, discover:


  • How there are, in fact, only two Terminator movies
  • Vonnegut's holy word
  • Kit outing himself as a human chauvinist


And much, much more. Enjoy! :)


For more of Daniel's blogging and podcasting, please head on over to his page on Eruditorum Press.


My monthly Ginger Nuts Of Horror blog ‘My Life In Horror’, which kicked off this whole thing, can be found here.


Why Robocop is the greatest movie ever made.


Theme tune provided with the kind permission of The Disciples of Gonzo, from their track Superhero. Listen to more from them here.

If you enjoyed this podcast and would like to contribute financially to the monthly production costs, in exchange for early access to both this show and my written work, please see my Patreon.

My latest podcast release!