Thursday, 16 January 2014

The week in links

Insane. Insane, crazy week. Too much. Far, far too much.

Here it is, eight days in links:

Wed 8th - I final table but fail to cash in the Wednesday night poker tourney here.

Thursday 9th - I secure a gig booking to play on Sunday night with my band The Disciples of Gonzo here, supporting these guys.

Friday 10th - A blog post, featuring an exclusive short story of mine, never before published, goes live on The Disciples Of Gonzo website. Check it out if you haven't already.

Saturday 11th - Childcare, mild packing.

Sunday 12th - Took 4 year old daughter to her first panto, then gigging in the evening with the reliably awesome Disciples of Gonzo.

Monday 13th - My blog post reflecting on the previous evenings show goes live on The DoG website. My work website also runs a story announcing my e-novella release and pre-order offer. <--time is running out to take advantage of these exciting pre-sale offers!

Tuesday 14th - Receive and accept and invitation to this event, where I will be celebrating the launch of the anthology 'Do Monkeys Dream of Electric Kettles?' which features my short story 'Reverse Engineering' AND performing as part of the acoustic outreach arm of my band with The Gonzo Street Ministry. Also completed an author interview...

Wednesday 15th - ...which is published here and features some insights into how the stories in the e-novella came to be.

Pretty goddamn exciting stuff. Bubbling under are e-novella reviews, emailing lists (if you want to sign up, drop me a line to ), producing some more D3's following critical reader feedback and then circulating for sales, and more interviews.

And at some point, I'm going to do some more writing. Theoretically.

Love to you all.

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